" In this life we cannot do
Great things. We can only do small things with great love."

Mother Teresa

Monday, October 20, 2008

Traveling Postcards

Traveling Postcards is an opportunity for women to share their lives and make connections across the world.

Come have your picture taken with a woman you love and share your story through writing, poetry, photography and art.

I will be traveling to Africa in 2009 to document the lives of women and children in Malawi. I will bring all the postcards that are made in donation to Voice Flame Writers/Malawi, to Africa and share the wonderful stories we all carry within us.

I will continue the project in Malawi and hope to exhibit all the cards I have collected together, in one place, merging and connecting woman.

Anyone can participate in Traveling Postcards! Please send me your address and I will send you instructions and ideas for you to create your own card.

I will be posting all the postcards I receive on my website. Be sure to look for yours!


For more information please contact me at cslov@comcast.net or visit


Upcoming Event:

Orinda, California. November 15th 1-5pm for more information visit

RSVP at travelingpostcards.myevent.com

A tax deductible donation of $35.00 will go towards providing training and resources to women in Malawi to record and share their stories with their children, with you and with the world.

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