" In this life we cannot do
Great things. We can only do small things with great love."

Mother Teresa

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


It is with great sadness that I learned of Eve Ensler’s cancer, but I have great faith in her resiliency. Eve is an extraordinary woman who will continue to be a force of compassionate action for women all over the world. We are all better off from her years of selfless work and she continues to motivate me to try and heal the suffering of so many women the best way I know how. ..as an artist.

I would like to reach out to all women and encourage you to share the wisdom in your hearts. Traveling Postcards is offering you an opportunity to make a difference in the world by simply expressing your hard earned knowledge in a card. Your life experiences matter. We are working towards gathering your voices…all of them! We want to exhibit your thoughts and your wisdom in a collective showing of creative strength. All Traveling Postcards that are received will be archived and placed on our website.

Over the next several years we will be traveling and exhibiting your work so that everyone can see what we know to be true and powerful…our collective wisdom as women. Please make a card either individually or with a favorite group of friends and send them to me. I will care for them all.

I will keep you updated on the changes and growing movement of Traveling Postcards and I encourage you to contact me with your ideas , your experiences and the wisdom in your heart. Thank you

For those of you who want more insights from Eve Ensler please click on this link. The Guardian